Downtown Tucson, AZ

Presidio soldiers...


Pancho Villa...

and our very own Millenium Man!

389kb Left this one big folks!

I'll be the first to admit downtown Tucson's rather nondescript, but it's history wants to reach out and grab you.
Here are some pics of the library (the building with all the angles), Pima County Courthouse (with the dome, arches & fountains), various sculpture (Presidio soldiers, Pancho Villa and the ugliest piece of work this side of the Atlantic), downtown buildings including the Hotel Congress (where John Dillinger slept), a look at our trolley and our one and only

Millenium Man!

I messed up aligning the individual pics that went into the panoramic image of the corner of Congress and Stone, so I left it un-cropped. It's big, 389kb, but it should load just fine if you have the patience or you're one of the "Blessed" with DSL or at least a better connection than my typically pitiful 26.4k. I'm just beginning to play with the stitch feature and need more practice.

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